In autumn 2020, KB Components in Örkelljunga will be covering large portions of its roof, as well as an extensive ground area, with solar panels. The installation area will total 5,750 square metres and include 1,450 panels, which will begin operating in the autumn.

“This will not only benefit the environment, it’s also a profitable investment for us because we will be using the energy for our own production,” says Gabriela Holmström, who is managing the project at KB Components. 

“The project will be carried out in two stages,” adds property manager Magnus Eriksson. “We’ll begin with construction on the roof before starting installation on the ground.’ 

Sustainability and the environment were important factors in the investment decision. The long-term goal is for the solar panels, which have a service life of 30–40 years, to have paid for themselves after 10 years. Swede Energy, an industry leader in sustainable energy solutions for commercial real estate companies and industries in Sweden, is the general contractor for the project in Örkelljunga.

“These solar panels will cover nearly 5% of our electricity consumption,” says Holmström, “and this will definitely make us less vulnerable to price increases from the electricity market. It will also hopefully send a positive message to our customers, who are increasingly demanding sustainable solutions.”