by Christina Olausson | May 8, 2020 | news
Manually fitting pallet collars onto wooden pallets is a strenuous, labour-intensive job. When KB Components in Örkelljunga decided to install automatic equipment for constructing pallets, they were faced with a major challenge because no ready-to-use systems were...
by Christina Olausson | Apr 21, 2020 | news
To strengthen our capabilities to provide fast and accurate measurement services to our customers, KB Components UAB in Kaunas have opened a new measurement center. The center is equipped with a CMM measurement machine, using the same software as the other measurement...
by Christina Olausson | Mar 2, 2020 | news
KB Components acquires Placell AB in Gislaved, Sweden and will integrate the operations in its European Injection Molding business. As per today, after completion of the acquisition the company will be renamed to KB Components Placell AB. Placell AB has a...
by Christina Olausson | Jan 21, 2020 | news
Today, the three hundred square meter visitor center was opened at KB Component’s headquarter in Örkelljunga. This area presents the 7 different business areas, tells the over 70-year story, talks about the environment and the future. Conspicuous is a car, a Volvo...
by Christina Olausson | Aug 19, 2019 | news
KB Components is working to secure operational excellence in all sites by creating a global structure for continous improvements and structure for ”Best Practise Sharing”. To do this they use the tool LDA (Lean Deployment Assessment) developed by Volvo Cars. The...
by Christina Olausson | Jun 17, 2019 | news
We have recently produced a new business brochure. Read more.